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Prophetess Rosie Finley

Hello. I'm Prophetess Rosie M. Finley, called by God for a purpose and anointed for a cause. The spiritual gifts God deposited within me are not for purchase. I will not compromise my integrity to fit in the world system nor blend in with the crowd of the "Custom-Made Folks."

Prophetess Rosie M. Finley

This ministry is ordained by God as a mouthpiece and Prophetess unto the nations with a Prophetic Sound. I flow under the anointing of the Holy Spirit in which miracles, signs, and wonders are demonstrated, and the healing and deliverance are evidence of God’s supernatural power.


I am a witness to God’s supernatural healing power in my own life. I had a mass in my right breast which had been monitored every six months for several years. I was tired of the frequent visits and I began to pray to the Lord, “Lord heal my body.” The Holy Spirit instructed me to lay my hand upon my forehead, and command "I forbid sickness and diseases to come upon my body, in the name of Jesus! Guess what? God did it!  


Click here to read more about my Testimony of God's Healing Power.


I am an original. I don't pattern my life or ministry after another. Too many ministries have sold out for pieces of silver and fame; this Prophetess will not be bought. 

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The Late Rev. Dr. Willie E. Bruner, Sr.


**Judgement is now in the land, a prophetic word I have been proclaiming for years.  My YouTube Video April 2017, also states,  the prophetic warning of the biological attack (in and against) The Coronavirus also known as COVID-19  the United States.


In  2002, under the leadership of President Bush, I faxed a letter to the White House attention to President Bush of a war coming against the United States, all is documented. Please look at the Prophetic Voice in my most current YouTube video March 21, 2020.  God  gives spiritual gifts  for the edification of the church that you seek to excel., not for your own pockets!


The great sound of judgement is here of all the liars, thieves and those who have betrayed the United States for their own greed! 


The Riot and Attack on the United States Capitol on 1/6/21. I wrote of this event on 2016, 2017 & 12/5/2020. "The Hostile Takeover" My ending message of 12/5/20, "Pray for the best and Prepare for the Worst".  The messages are on my blog.


The wrath of God is upon this earth, and the hands of men cannot withhold it!  No science, vaccine, money or soothsayers can stop, block, or defeat it.  Only JESUS CHRIST can remove this judgment and bring healing to this land.  The people of God must REPENT for their sins, wrongdoings and wicked ways before recovery can be released! Judgment is in the now, May the Lord have mercy upon us all.  In Jesus' name. Amen!


 Mouthpiece, Prophetess Rosie Finley-

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